Stress and Anxiety Relief Series

Anxiety Relief Series

  • Are you worried about everything in your life, even if there is little or no reason?
  • Are you anxious about just getting through the day?
  • Do you feel nervous or inadequate in social settings?
  • Do you sometimes have sudden attacks of fear or panic that last for several minutes?
  • Do you feel discouraged because you can’t carry out a normal routine like going into a store or driving?

Ten (10) one-hour private sessions using a combination of hypnosis and EFT tapping therapy to help you take charge of your nervous system and feel more empowered and free.

Stress and Anxiety Relief

Did you know that anxiety affects 40 million adults in the United States alone? That’s 19% of the population.[1]

Stress and anxiety are highly treatable, yet only about one-third of those suffering receive treatment. In fact, a new report suggests that four in five 18 to 34-year-olds put on a “brave face” when they’re feeling worried and don’t really know what to do about it.  Psychologists say this could have serious long-term health implications if they don’t learn healthy ways to manage that stress now.

Feeling anxious is a normal reaction to stress, and everyone feels it from time to time. But when anxiety becomes excessive or is not appropriate for the situation, it can get in the way of your everyday life. Some physical symptoms include shortness of breath, shaking, nausea, headache, rapid heartbeat, dizzy spells, and more.

Rest assure you can find relief. A 2006 Harvard study shows hypnosis helps to alleviate anxiety. [2]

[1] Source: National Institute of Mental Health  [2] Source: Harvard Health Publishing

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Stress Relief Series

  • Do you tend to focus on upsetting situations or events happening in your life?
  • Are you easily irritated or nervous?
  • Have you suffered fatigue, headache or upset stomach?
  • Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep?
  • Are you having difficultly managing work and family responsibilities?
  • Do you feel your job interferes with family or personal time?

Four one-hour private sessions using a combination of hypnosis and EFT tapping therapy to help you take charge of your nervous system and feel more empowered and free.


Anxiety Relief Series

  • Are you worried about everything in your life, even if there is little or no reason?
  • Are you anxious about just getting through the day?
  • Do you feel nervous or inadequate in social settings?
  • Do you sometimes have sudden attacks of fear or panic that last for several minutes?
  • Do you feel discouraged because you can’t carry out a normal routine like going into a store or driving?

Ten one-hour private sessions using a combination of hypnosis and EFT tapping therapy to help you take charge of your nervous system and feel more empowered and free.

